
Rest in Peace and Power.

Tigre Mashall-Lively 1987-2022

Tigre Bailando (in memorium)

Working across a wide range of mediums and disciplines, Tigre Bailando creates large-scale installations, sculptures, murals, and immersive performance works across the country and around the world. Clients include The Do Lab, Electric Forest, Wonderfruit, Virgin, and others

Tigre holds a BA from Bennington College and is the recent recipient of an Honorarium Grant from Burning Man for the interactive sculpture The Solacii.

Tigre Bailando has been a regular collaborator with performance companies Bad Unkl Sista and Embodiment Project, and is a member of the inaugural cohort of the Design Science Studio initiative.

My work is the substance and the evidence of an intimate and vulnerable dialogue with the inner and outer worlds. 

Utilizing the body as an altar, a vessel, a conduit for transformation, the work strives for ever deeper and more authentic knowing. The beings that populate my expressive world are inherently transcendent: embodied mythopoetic metaphors that exist beyond binary dichotomies of life/death, male/female, human/animal, body/spirit, self/other, light/shadow. These transcendent visions, both liminal and encompassing, are motivated toward healing and understanding our relationships to our selves, with each other, and with the world.

My work is unapologetically emotional and aims to evoke a resonant and cathartic connection with the shadowy sides of the viewer/witness. 

Ultimately, the goal is collective liberation.


Nikesha Breeze: Original Founding Member


Raashan Ahmad: Original Founding Member